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What Donald Trump and Dick Cheney Got Wrong About America
Via: Dulay • • 3 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“We allowed an important idea—American exceptionalism—to be hijacked and misused. Now we need to rescue that idea and let it guide America at home...”
I. A Dangerous IdeaCan America still lead the world? Should it? If so, how? These fundamental questions have lurked in the background for years. Donald Trump brought them front and center.The knee-jerk response of national-security professionals to such questions is to offer a history lesson on...
Volunteer asshole!
By: Dulay • Drop Kick Bigotry! • 7 Comments • 6 years ago
“Flag my seed before it grows. ”
Okay, since this is Beta world and the only way to test this mutha is for some of us to be assholes, I volunteer to be 'the flag that crazy fucker' for whatever reason. Flag all of my posts in any group to test the flagging/mod functions. Now, I COULD post some really scathing crap but that...