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A Blog in Time Saves Pines
By: Buzz of the Orient • And Now For Something Completely Different! • 0 Comments • 1 Like • 5 years ago
“"For if Andrew had so much blood in his liver as would clog the foot of a flea, I'd eat the rest of the anatomy" (Shakespeare - Twelth Night”
Why did I write that quotation? When I was in Grade 12 I acted in that school play as Sir Toby Belch, who spoke that line that I have not been able to forget for 65 years.
Continue the Story
By: Buzz of the Orient • MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES • 5 Comments • 6 years ago
Continue the Story A movie, as in any story, has a beginning, a plot development, and, of course, an end. However, when I watch a movie, sometimes in my mind I fantasize a continuation - what can happen next? Have you ever done that? I'll use as an example a relatively (in)famous movie many of...