Hi Raven, today I tested the UNFRIEND feature using your name. (Smile).
The feature did unfriend, however for Tig, I did see an Error 'box' come on the screen implying the request would not follow through even when it did positively UNFRIEND.
You can only call an IMPASSE within a thread and only on comments that come after your last comment within the thread. That is, you will not be able to post a comment (get the last word) and then call an IMPASSE.
I IMPASSED you on your today's discussion article.
It works
I just noticed something. I can't call an impasse if I've replied to you. You have to reply to me, then I can call an impasse but then I better be quiet after that (because I can't reply lol)
I would say that is not proper; good find! Makes more sense that you only issue an impasse on a comment where I was replying to you. I will see if I can tighten this up without introducing a performance issue. If not, I will not worry about it.
I just set "IGNORE for dear Ravenwing. I see a hand symbol (5-6 times in a row). Question what does Raven' see on her side? Or is she made aware? (Maybe Raven' should Ignore me so I can see what it looks like.)
Is it practical to set ignore and still see past comments up to that point? Or is ignore a total and utter 'rebuke' while active?
The Ignore function is a personal function. That is, it is solely for the benefit of the person issuing the ignore. Issuing an ignore will not impact anyone else on the site, nor will it be known by anyone else on the site (including the moderators).
So if someone ignores you, you will have no idea (from the system) that you are being ignored. This is by design so that people do not try to use ignore as a weapon.
An ignore will apply to all comments in the article; and all future comments from the individual in the article. Of course other articles are not affected.
Good. One more question: Will the list of "hand symbols" increase (1 +1 +1. . .) and be a resource to know the ignored party is still addressing some point made by the Ignorer? In addition, each time the Ignored comments will it automatically increase hand symbols on the thread?
Finally, is there a number on how many Ignores can be established before "swapping out" someone?
Dear Ravenwing, I thank you for allowing me use of your avatar. I will remove the ignore I established.
One more question: Will the list of "hand symbols" increase (1 +1 +1. . .) and be a resource to know the ignored party is still addressing some point made by the Ignorer?
Every time the ignored party makes a comment, the comment will be placed normally but no text will appear, the info will be gray and the avatar will show as the hand.
Finally, is there a number on how many Ignores can be established before "swapping out" someone?
You can ignore everyone except yourself. There is no limit on how many ignores are allowed per article. There is, however, a limit on the number of impasses per thread. That is configurable, but I believe the limit is set at 1 currently.
I just finished putting in some tricky logic. Cal reported a hole in impasse. While looking into that (fixed now) I discovered another hole dealing (again) with impasse when crossing hierarchic levels. Basically, I needed to include the comment that defines the thread along with the comments within a thread for the purposes of impasse. That turned out to be a real pain, but I think I have it working properly now.
The tricky logic dealt with situations like you entering a comment 2.4 followed by me replying to your 2.4 with 2.4.1 Once I entered 2.4.1 you can now IMPASSE my 2.4.1 comment.
Yes, that is a good feature as well. When whatever you have bookmarked and no longer need/want it, being able to simply unmark it to delete if from the list works great.
So I've bookmarked, navigated to, and removed bookmarks with no problem, and navigated to a specific tracked item from the scrollable menu. Anything else I need to check out?
I also like how there is a small green tag that shows on the Avatar of the comment or text you have bookmarked. Which makes it easy to find as well when scrolling through the comments.
control panel for tracked comments (if the article is currently being tracked by the member)
control panel for bookmarked comments
control panel for finding text in comments
control panel for managing comment threads
new menu implementation for each comment (on the avatar portion of the comment)
bookmarking via menu (with a visible bookmark)
bookmark list (across all articles) as part of each member's page
Generally, the testing would best be done by exercising the following features:
impasse and ignore
bookmark (mark)
finding text in comments
accessing an article by clicking on a bookmarked comment from your member page
accessing an article by clicking on a tracked comment from your tracker
navigating (using the navigator that appears) for tracked comments, bookmarks and found text
switching between navigation of tracked comments, bookmarks, searched (found) text by clicking on the background of the panel (which makes the panel active)
Also agree. TiG did a great job in putting these new features into action. I have now tested all of the features in various comments and articles, and all appear to be working as intended.
Hi Raven, today I tested the UNFRIEND feature using your name. (Smile).
The feature did unfriend, however for Tig, I did see an Error 'box' come on the screen implying the request would not follow through even when it did positively UNFRIEND.
(Though Raven you are the "friendliest.")
And another...
Here is another...they look like little purple puff balls.
to look at
Here is a new comment
And another
The Bee's knees!
I liked this too.
Eleven reply comments are stale (old) so they are suppressed. If you click on the DISCLOSE button (
) the suppressed comments will be disclosed.
Thanks for taking me off ignore.
You can only call an IMPASSE within a thread and only on comments that come after your last comment within the thread. That is, you will not be able to post a comment (get the last word) and then call an IMPASSE.
I IMPASSED you on your today's discussion article.
It works
I just noticed something. I can't call an impasse if I've replied to you. You have to reply to me, then I can call an impasse but then I better be quiet after that (because I can't reply lol)
Experience. NT members try all sorts of things. Perrie is an encyclopedia of member tricks.
Yeah, I know. I tried to get one over and it dropped like a lead balloon.
Perrie is all "been there done that"
Hi Tig, I have a question: I was able to put you on IMPASSE on TG's comment. I have not 'spoken' to you yet. Is that proper?
I would say that is not proper; good find! Makes more sense that you only issue an impasse on a comment where I was replying to you. I will see if I can tighten this up without introducing a performance issue. If not, I will not worry about it.
Oh my....I can think of one member who will not be happy about that. (hee hee)
This recent comment is not stale and thus is not suppressed.
New comment
Pretty. I hope spring really is around the corner.
Hi Tig, @9.1 I am able to "Impasse" dear TG!! Sorry dear lady!
I have not discussed anything with her on the thread—yet.
I have not applied the change to prevent that yet.
The change for this is now in place.
I just set "IGNORE for dear Ravenwing. I see a hand symbol (5-6 times in a row). Question what does Raven' see on her side? Or is she made aware? (Maybe Raven' should Ignore me so I can see what it looks like.)
Is it practical to set ignore and still see past comments up to that point? Or is ignore a total and utter 'rebuke' while active?
The Ignore function is a personal function. That is, it is solely for the benefit of the person issuing the ignore. Issuing an ignore will not impact anyone else on the site, nor will it be known by anyone else on the site (including the moderators).
So if someone ignores you, you will have no idea (from the system) that you are being ignored. This is by design so that people do not try to use ignore as a weapon.
An ignore will apply to all comments in the article; and all future comments from the individual in the article. Of course other articles are not affected.
Good. One more question: Will the list of "hand symbols" increase (1 +1 +1. . .) and be a resource to know the ignored party is still addressing some point made by the Ignorer? In addition, each time the Ignored comments will it automatically increase hand symbols on the thread?
Finally, is there a number on how many Ignores can be established before "swapping out" someone?
Dear Ravenwing, I thank you for allowing me use of your avatar. I will remove the ignore I established.
No problem.....I used yours as well (smile)
Can someone please put me on IMPASSE so I can see what (if anything) occurs on the receiving end? THANK YOU!
Cal, I IMPASSED you @12.1.1
That means you should see my comment @12.1 as IMPASSE
Except now I cannot reply to your comment. :)
Here is the answer:
Every time the ignored party makes a comment, the comment will be placed normally but no text will appear, the info will be gray and the avatar will show as the hand.
You can ignore everyone except yourself. There is no limit on how many ignores are allowed per article. There is, however, a limit on the number of impasses per thread. That is configurable, but I believe the limit is set at 1 currently.
I do! (Smile)
Well...It looks like it is working very well. The doing and undoing seems to be working as intended. I have not found any oops yet.
This will be fun when it first hits the main site. (grin)
I just finished putting in some tricky logic. Cal reported a hole in impasse. While looking into that (fixed now) I discovered another hole dealing (again) with impasse when crossing hierarchic levels. Basically, I needed to include the comment that defines the thread along with the comments within a thread for the purposes of impasse. That turned out to be a real pain, but I think I have it working properly now.
The tricky logic dealt with situations like you entering a comment 2.4 followed by me replying to your 2.4 with 2.4.1 Once I entered 2.4.1 you can now IMPASSE my 2.4.1 comment.
New comment
And now a newer comment
This is a new comment for testing.
So to remove a bookmark that you don't want, just click on the avatar of that comment and click on unmark.
Yes, that is a good feature as well. When whatever you have bookmarked and no longer need/want it, being able to simply unmark it to delete if from the list works great.
Here goofing off.
Looks to me like you are busy! BUZZZZZZZ
Waiting for the cache to update.
So I've bookmarked, navigated to, and removed bookmarks with no problem, and navigated to a specific tracked item from the scrollable menu. Anything else I need to check out?
Oh, also looked for comments containing a specific text. I like the highlighting of the searched text. Nice touch.
That is so cool.
I also like how there is a small green tag that shows on the Avatar of the comment or text you have bookmarked. Which makes it easy to find as well when scrolling through the comments.
Here are the areas for testing ( see : Testing for Comment Panels ):
This release contains several features:
Generally, the testing would best be done by exercising the following features:
Thanks for the list so we know what is most important to test.
Hey great job Tig! These are amazing upgrades!
Agreed. Seems to be working smoothly.
Also agree. TiG did a great job in putting these new features into action. I have now tested all of the features in various comments and articles, and all appear to be working as intended.
Here is another Spring flower for a new comment...I like the way the blossoms are nestled and over laid into one another.