You Never Noticed This About Jif Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a staple in almost every household. Unless you're allergic, in which case we apologize for the lack of Reese's in your life, you've definitely held a bottle in your hands at some point or another. Or at the very least, spotted one on shelves while grocery shopping. All this makes a recent Twitter discovery about Jif's packaging even more surprising.
Take a look at this photo of a Jif tub:
Nothing stands out, right? Just your regular old jar of PB. The 'Jif' font looks pretty standard, similar to Times New Roman, but stretched slightly taller. But if you flip it around, you'll notice - Jif still looks like Jif upside down! Sure, the cross in the 'f' stands out a little, but it's definitely still readable. That 'f' is way too curved to not be intentional.
Someone pointed this out on Twitter last month, and it's honestly turned our world upside down. 😏 Try making a PB&J without flipping over the jar first ... you can do it, but it's not as fun. Also, shout out to Justin, who figured this out way back in 2011.
LOL. A peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich on fresh raisin chala (Jewish egg bread) with slices of banana in it is an ideal snack. You can even eat it upside down.
A peanut butter sandwich is good any time, and I like it with kosher pickle slices as well. I am not much on the sweet stuff, so I like to use other things that are not so sweet as the jams and jellies. I also like to put peanut butter on my French Vanilla ice cream. Yummm!
Pickles and peanut butter. LOL. That's a new one to me. I'll have to try it.
By the way. How come you've got your regular avatar and I've got this generic one?
Buzz....for me the only pickles that work with the peanut butter are the Kosher ones. I don't like sweet pickles, and the dills just don't seem to work as well for me. So I use the Kosher ones. Usually Valsik or other brand of Koshers. I get the slices so I don't have to cut them up myself, and you can get more in a jar than the whole ones. Or so it seems anyway. (shrug)
Did you upload your own avatar here on the beta? The beta site is not attached to the main NT site, so it has its own data. So if you want your own avatar here on the beta, you have to upload a copy of your avatar. That is what I and others have done.