'It's A Blessing:' Hot Food, Toiletries Delivered To Homeless Families Living In San Fernando Valley Hotels Amid Coronavirus Crisis
By: Syndicated Local

More than 75 homeless families living in San Fernando Valley hotels received food and toiletries Monday.

VAN NUYS (CBSLA) — The donations are part of an ongoing initiative with city councilwoman Nury Martinez, Mayor Eric Garcetti's office, Los Angeles Unified School District, North Valley Caring Services, and New Economics for Women, to help homeless students and their families living in the hotels.
"It's a blessing," said one woman. "It's amazing that there are people out there willing to help people like me. It's just amazing, I don't have words to say thank you. It's like blessings and blessings."
Over 400 homeless families live in motels or temporary housing in the Northeast San Fernando Valley.
Only a bit of clean up on this one. Much bettre!