16 things every oldest sibling knows to be true
By: Jessica Booth

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- Being the oldest child in a family has some pros and cons.
- You may always be expected to be the responsible one.
- But there's a sense of protection over them that you don't have feel over anyone else.
Being the oldest child in a family can sound like a pretty good gig in theory: You're given a few younger siblings you can boss around whenever you want, you can pull the seniority card as needed, and you get the added bonus of knowing you had at least one year where you were given every single bit of attention your parents had. Sure, there are positives, but there are also a whole bunch of negatives. These are the things you can't really understand unless you're the oldest sibling.
Growing up as the oldest with a younger brother and younger sister, I have personally experienced every single one of the instances described below. There are times when I wish I could trade places with one of them, and times when I'm grateful I was born first.
Here are a few things every oldest sibling knows to be true.
Nope.....the slide show did not get fetched.
Here is the link to the seed...
Fetch does not attempt to bring in slideshows (there is no single way of doing this). But if you check on the include media box in Fetch Seed, it will bring in the first image. The other images are dynamic.
Ahh ok...I'll give that a try.
Yeppers...that worked.
Now...is there any way to bring a slide show into a seed or article manually? If it is just a minor part of a seed or article there is not real reason to bother with a slide show. However, if it is a primary part of seed or article as it is with this seed, then hopefully there is a way to pot it into the seed or article using a manual method.
Every slide show is hand crafted by the author or the site. There is no standard for this. Thus there is no single way in which it is done. Copy & paste might work on occasion, but I suspect it will rarely work because most of the time the images are dynamically acquired (not even in the HTML you copy & paste from).
Good to know. Not only for myself, but, when helping others when they run into articles with such accompaniment in the text.